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Monday, March 8, 2010

Luxury Vehicle Specialists

Nothing beats the feel of owning & driving a luxury car. The supple feel of the leather, the beauty of the shiny details, just make you feel good.

But no feeling is worse than damaging your luxury vehicle. Because many luxury cars are designed with visual appeal rather than damage control as the top priority, impact absorbing structures don't extend far enough to the corners and bumpers causing many luxury vehicles to suffer bumper damage even in low-speed impacts.
Luxury cars have the additional problem of very expensive replacement parts. Fortunately there is a solution.

Sameday, a Washington-based company with core clients ranging from premium car dealerships to the Le May collection, uses the highest quality German automotive refinish systems in their repair of six-figure exotics. They keep their repair areas small to maintain a majority of the factory finish. Sameday is the premium choice for repairing bumper scrapes, paint scratches, or wheels scuffs. They can even restore leather by removing the annoying stains, dirt, and grime that inevitably build up over time.

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